Martin Luther King Day Celebration
Monday, January 15th, 2018, 2:00pm
A rare opportunity to gather in community to celebrate the legacy of Dr. King, learn about persons of color and diverse identities on Cape Ann, and rededicate ourselves to the American creed that all persons are created equal.
Gloucester’s 2nd Annual Martin Luther King Day Celebration, an afternoon featuring first-person presentations by Fish Tales of the Gloucester Writers Center, about Native American history, the Slave Trade as related to Gloucester’s commerce, the Abolitionist Movement and present-day issues regarding civil rights, refugees, religious liberty and world conflicts. Silent concluding procession, tolling the Meetinghouse Paul Revere Bell for freedom.
Related Morning Event
The Unitarian Universalist Society of Rockport holds its annual Peace March commemorating the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. in which members and friends gather at 9:30 am for sign making, followed by a march through downtown Rockport at 10:00 am, and gather after the march for hot cider and goodies, followed by a short worship service. For more information see: http://rockportuu.org/
Program of Events at the Meetinghouse
Updated 1/14 11:00am