The renovation of the green in front of the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church has begun!

On April 1st the renovation work started on the Green at the corner of Middle and Church Streets, in front of our historic 1806 Gloucester Meetinghouse, home of the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church and location of the beloved summer benefit-concert series called Music on Meetinghouse Green. The project is due for full completion by July 5th, in time for the first summer event.
For a time there will be workers and machinery on the site, removing the dying Norway Maple trees, digging out the root systems and excavating in preparation for planting disease-resistant Elm trees and a new lawn with an innovative support system underneath for event parking. New paved walkways, soft tree up-lighting, a sprinkler system for the lawn, irrigation system for the trees and restored cast-iron tubular between the existing granite pillars fencing are also part of the extensive scope. Reproductions of the original entrance gates on Middle Street will frame the entrance to the crushed stone allee, lined with granite curbing. The Princeton Elms will be about 14-16' tall at first but will grow quickly and eventually form a cathedral-like canopy.

During the project there will be no parking on the site and there may only be limited dog walking areas near Gould Court, so we ask for your understanding as it proceeds. The project is being managed by Doug Cook of Landesign, located at 35 Main Street in Gloucester, the landscape architect who drew up the plans. You may direct any questions or concerns to Landesign by email at doug@landesign.biz or by phone at 978-281-2005. The goal is to create a safe and beautiful green-space for the enjoyment of everyone in the neighborhood.
The project is being chiefly funded by matching grants from the Gloucester Community Preservation Act Committee ($130K) and the Massachusetts Cultural Council ($122K) through the MassDevelopment Corporation. We are deeply grateful to both organizations for their vision and support. There is about $25K left to raise, so anyone interested in giving a Princeton Elm tree for $3K, perhaps in honor or in memory of someone, should contact the Gloucester Meetinghouse Foundation at info@gloucestermeeetinghouse.org Other trees, plantings and features are available as donations such as the wrought-iron reproduction gates and the lighting system for the Elm trees. There will be a bronze plaque in thanks to the organizations and donors who made the project possible.
please enquire at: info@gloucestermeetinghouse.org
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